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Events for Kids


Imagine children growing up knowing that their Spirit Animal can help them when they are feeling sad, scared or lonely...helping them feel more safe, confident and loved.

Every person on this earth is born with a Spirit Animal, one unique & special animal that is there with you in spirit, the unseen realm we coexist with. You come in together & you leave as one. This animal is the other half of you, part of your identity. You share his/her attributes within the human context and it is an animal that waits patiently for their human to realise they are always there, night & day, rain or shine. Most indigenous cultures have kept this connection alive while us in the western world have long been disconnected from this significant & often ‘missing’ piece of who we are.

WHY is it so important for people, especially children, to reunite with their Spirit Animal

Reuniting with your Spirit Animal helps you understand your identity in a whole new way. You get insight into what drives you & can tap into the dormant abilities that are the gifts of your Spirit Animal. You can wake up each morning knowing who you are, with more excitement & joy at seeing life differently through the eyes of your Spirit Animal. Challenges can be faced with more confidence & confident that your Spirit Animal is right there with you at every moment. Your Spirit Animal reminds you of how amazing you are, that you aren’t alone & that you can overcome your fears.


⭐️Why is this KEY for children?⭐️

Children of all ages are so vulnerable and if they hold a stronger energy field then it is easier to navigate more confidently through their life experiences. Having an awareness of their Spirit Animal & working consciously with this animal supports a child’s confidence. This strengthens their energy field and is a special tool they can work with as they grow. Their animal reminds the child of their uniqueness & to love who they are. 

The Spirit Animal might help children shift uncomfortable feelings such as:

-  Feeling alone or scared, especially at night 
-  Sadness or Anger
- Frustration at not being able to complete a task
- Not belonging or feeling left out
& remind them that they have support right there with them 24/7.
Imagine having that tool for life from a young age...!!!

My name is Dalia Granot, Spirit and Power Animals Medium & Secret Animal Wisdom Teacher. My mission in this life is to reunite humans with their Spirit & Power Animals. I have the ability to see & communicate with people’s animals in spirit & have been doing readings & workshops for close to 14 years. Since having twins 6 years ago, I realised through the journey with my own children how important the Spirit Animal relationship is for such young children.

It gives me such peace in my heart knowing that my boys have this tool for life & it gives them so much joy, excitement & a freedom to be their own unique selves. It is what I want for all children. I talk to parents every day & I know how challenging life can be for our little ones. Having a special relationship with their Spirit Animal is a gift that they can have in this life time, it is their birthright.

What to expect at a KIDS EVENT:

I prefer to run my events with specific age groups:

0-3 years,

4-11 years,

or 12+ years.

as it is easier for the children this way & it keeps the communication at the same level.

Ages 0-3 (parents must be present)

-    A personal brief reading on your child’s Spirit Animal
-    Step by step guidance to you as the parent on how to support your child’s relationship with their Spirit Animal as your child grows
-    Receive a unique pendant necklace of your child’s Spirit Animal. This is a unique piece designed by me to hold dear to your child’s heart to remind your child of their animal as they grow. Sent by post. Valued at $30

Ages 4 – 11 (parental presence is preferred however not compulsory)

-    A personal brief reading on your child’s Spirit Animal
-    Step by step guidance, exercises & fun conversation with your child on how they can work with their Spirit Animal, how it will benefit them & why it is so important to keep this relationship alive as they grow older
-    Receive a unique pendant necklace of their Spirit Animal. This is a unique piece designed by me to hold dear to their heart to remind them of their animal as they grow. Sent by post. Valued at $30

Ages 12+

-    A personal brief reading on your child’s Spirit Animal
-    Step by step guidance, exercises & fun conversation with your child on how they can work with their Spirit Animal, how it will benefit them & why it is so important to keep this relationship alive as they grow older.
-    Will learn more advanced techniques on how to work with their Spirit Animal
-    Receive a unique pendant necklace of their Spirit Animal. This is a unique piece designed by me to hold dear to their heart to remind them of their animal as they grow. Sent by post. Valued at $30



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